Bachelor of Community Services
Institut Box Hill, CIV TAFE
Type d'établissement: Institut TAFE
Niveau: Baccalauréat
CRICOS: 02411J
If you want to advance your career in the community services field, our community services course will equip you with the knowledge and real-world experience to succeed. & nbsp In our community services course, you will: develop a broad understanding of the principles and theories that relate to service delivery in the community services sector analyse traditional models of welfare and examine a range of contemporary theoretical perspectives gain a wide range of skills and knowledge that empower your client and that are rewarding for you and beneficial to your organisation During our course, we encourage you to form a community of learners with your fellow students to share experiences, develop critical reflective skills and enrich your learning experience. You will also benefit from taking part in practical placement and applied learning subjects, orienting you to real world experience working in and around the community services sector. & nbsp With our community services course, you will: study cultural safety with a strong indigenous focus develop an extensive knowledge related to community services learn to understand applicable legislation and regulation practise and develop decision-making and communication strategies Your learning experience will be closely supported by our highly qualified and experienced teaching staff. The design of our degree will provide you with a qualification of high academic integrity that is directly applicable to community services work within your selected discipline area. None
Informations sur l'étude
Campus | Honoraires | Apport en milieu d'année | Présence |
Elgar | International: $57,870 | No |