Master of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations/Master of International Business

Griffith University

Type d'établissement: Université/établissement d'enseignement supérieur
Niveau: Diplômé
CRICOS: 00233E

This double degree provides you with the opportunity to deepen and refine your knowledge to be able to critically analyse and make strategic decisions within a dynamic global business environment. This double degree program enables you to graduate with two postgraduate qualifications at a Masters level to boost your skills and give you an edge in the executive business environment. Within the Master of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations component, you will study core areas of human resource management including strategy, international and comparative human resource management, recruitment and selection, and performance and reward management. You will learn high level critical, analytical and problem solving skills and how to apply these to better manage people and organisational change across international operations. The Master of International Business will enhance your business competencies in an international context with a focus on Asia. Your studies will enable you to critically examine the social, cultural and political dimensions of global business and how to successfully implement sustainable business practices within this dynamic trade environment. With a strong emphasis on strategic analysis in different regional contexts, you will develop the thought leadership and modern business skills that are vital in today's global economy.

Informations sur l'étude

CampusHonorairesApport en milieu d'annéePrésence
Brisbane South (Nathan) International: $74,000 No
  • Full-time : 2 years
Online International: $69,000 No
  • Online/Off-campus : 2 years

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