Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours)

La Trobe University

Type d'établissement: Université/établissement d'enseignement supérieur
Niveau: Baccalauréat
CRICOS: 00115M

Build on your successes in the Bachelor of Biomedical Science by completing Honours to enhance essential employability skills or take your first step to a career in research, academia and beyond. Mentored by expert staff from the La Trobe Rural Health School, youll develop a variety of scientific techniques by conducting your own research project. To complement your research, essential laboratory, scientific communication and presentation skills established during your undergraduate degree will be consolidated through workshops and exercises. Youll also be exposed to leading edge methodologies as part of a competitive research team.

Informations sur l'étude

CampusHonorairesApport en milieu d'annéePrésence
Bendigo International: $42,400 No
  • Full-time : 1 year

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